The Hosts
The Tommy John Show, launched in 2020, is a sports podcast hosted by Tommy Lane and Johnny Misiasz. Since they first met on the playground at the age of 6, Tommy and Johnny have created a friendship through their mutual love of sports and hatred of each other’s favourite franchises.
Over the course of thirteen years, Tommy and Johnny have discussed sports with friends, classmates and colleagues, offering unique and informed takes on what is happening in the world of sports.
Now these informative and entertaining discussions are available to all on the Tommy John Show YouTube channel and other platforms. Here, Tommy and Johnny cover and voice their opinions on the latest news in the world of sports.
From the NFL to the UFC, and everything in between, The Tommy John Show covers it all! If you are a sports fan, it is time to subscribe!
Concordia University Bachelor of Communications student and avid sports enthusiast Thomas “Tommy” Lane is the founder and one of the co-hosts of The Tommy John Show.
McGill University Bachelor of Arts Psychology student and avid sports enthusiast John “Johnny” Misiasz is one of the co-hosts of The Tommy John Show.